
A short guided meditation to get you into a relaxed state, before immersing yourself in a healing intention prayer audio


I invite you to get comfortable, in a quiet space, where you can focus for the next few minutes, without being distracted or disturbed.

Close your eyes if you want to, and just let yourself be guided by my suggestions.

I invite you to take a deep breath, deeply into your belly, and exhale very slowly.

Let the exhale be nice and slow, and not forced, just allowing the breath to flow out.

If you’re able to, breathe in and out through your nose, for an even deeper relaxation response.

Continue to take some slow deep breaths, allowing yourself to feel a little more relaxed, each time you exhale.

Form an intention in your mind, to be in a space of the highest healing light.

Imagine yourself surrounded, in a field, of the most beautiful radiant light, where you can feel safe, nurtured, protected, and supported.

Connect with your heart, and allow yourself to feel loving kindness for yourself. Imagine your heart filled with loving kindness.

Continue to take some long slow deep breaths, in and out, and really feel that loving kindness for yourself.

Healing and Transformation


Dear God

Help me to transform the inner parts of me

That need the most healing and love

Help me to let go of my fears and insecurities

Help me to allow for healing of feelings buried inside me

Help me to forgive those who I need to forgive, so my heart can be free

And above all

Help me to forgive and accept myself

Dear God, send me your highest healing Love

For I am worthy to receive it

I let down my barriers

So your Divine Love stirs a higher transformation inside me

Bring me the healing and transformation I need the most

So I am more aligned with my highest expression

So I feel a greater balance and harmony within me

So I feel a Higher Love operating in my life


Your Higher Self is a true source of personal power and inner strength, which this audio helps you to consciously connect with.

It’s a powerful reminder of who you truly are.

This intention prayer inspires you into a mindset for aligning your will and intention into harmony with your Higher Self. The aim of this is to create experiences that invite harmony and flow into your life.

Your Higher Self is that Divine part of you. This healing prayer inspiration audio helps you to connect with this light of Divinity inside you through your heart.

Music from #Uppbeat

Harmony surround me


Dear God

Hear my prayer

To help me feel more harmony

And to feel more peace in my heart

Please clear away

The energies of disharmony which have affected me

Including that which I may have taken on

From the people and places

I have been near

Surround me in the highest light

Clear my energies, so they are more pure

Surround me in the highest vibrations of harmony

And raise the frequency of my own vibration

To help me feel more balance

And more peace

With gratitude in my heart

I pray for harmony to surround me



This is a very cleansing prayer, that calls for assistance to dispel the effects of any disharmony which may be affecting you.

It helps you enter a state of presence where your energy and vibrations can be raised and uplifted in ways that help bring you greater feelings of harmony and peace.

Make a heartfelt genuine request to surround yourself in vibrations of harmony to help clear your energies and invite a more peaceful inner state.

Breathe deeply throughout this prayer audio, and trust that there are divine energies working upon and around you for your upliftment in response to your request.

Music by Fesliyan Studios

Surrender into Oneness


I give intent

To connect to the highest divine source

To feel aligned, with the highest divine energies

And to be in a field, of protection, purity and healing

Within this sacred space

I surrender

To being in a state of oneness

With the highest energies, of grace and healing

I allow my energies to be aligned

So that a greater state of harmony

Resides within me

I am open to receive

All that is for my highest good

I feel the vibrations of gentleness and purity surround me

In this field of the highest healing light and benevolence

I feel safe, to surrender into this state of oneness

I give intent

For my highest energy healing

And I surrender to receive, what I most need right now

For my highest good


Create a sacred space for yourself.

Use it as a source of shielding and strength when it all feels like it’s too much.

If the chaos of the outside world makes you feel unsafe, use this audio to help you create your sanctuary in which you feel safe.

Use it to fuel your intention in allowing sacred energies to surround you in a field of oneness, and feel connected to energies of purity, protection and healing.

Feel safe within your sacred space to surrender to receiving the highest energies of Divine Light and Healing.

Let this audio help you create your own litle idaho, in which you get some replenishing healing time.

Music by Octahedron Music

Blessings of Divine Grace


Dear God

Pour your love and blessings upon me

So I can feel more peace in my heart

May your blessings infuse my spirit

With a healing vibration

And bring what my body and mind

And what my heart and soul, most need

I pray for your Divine Grace

To surround me with healing, comfort and hope

I open my heart in gratitude

As you nourish me, with your highest Divine Love

And shower upon me

The blessings of your Divine Grace



To pray for blessings is to invite an outpouring of spiritual divine force for the outward manifestation of upliftment, healing, harmonising, and whatever positive effect is available and permissible at the time.

The pouring out of a beneficial spiritual force from a higher spiritual plane is in essence what many would call the Grace of God.

Every person has the ability and the right to ask for blessings for themselves or for someone else.

The more you come from your heart, and the purer your intent, the greater the power behind your request.

When using this prayer to ask for blessings for yourself, get into a quiet inward space and connect with your heart.

Ask for blessings with an open heart, and with no expectations or demands.

Ask for blessings in the spirit of surrendering to the highest influence that is achievable and permissible through the wisdom of Divine Will.

By connecting as strongly as you can to the force of Love in your own heart as you use this prayer, the greater the field of energy you create in which the blessings can flow.

Music from #Uppbeat

Sacred Space


I give intent

To immerse myself within sacred space

Where I can feel safe

And let go of all the burdens which I carry

I pray this sacred space

Be surrounded with the strongest golden light

And infused with the highest vibrations, of Divine Love and Healing

I allow myself to let go,

And to receive this healing light

From the highest Divine Source

To nurture me

To replenish my energies

To restore a sense of harmony, and balance, deep within me

So I can feel completely at ease

And held in an energy of support

Within a space of healing and love

I deserve this

I am worthy of receiving this

I’m allowed to experience this

I let go, and surrender

In this highest healing light

Within the energies of this healing space

I am, in my sacred space


Sacred space guides you to intentionally, and with purpose, create an energetic space, in which you feel completely safe, protected, nurtured, supported, and at peace.

Sacred space is where you energetically connect with a Divine source of love and healing, where you can feel safe in the presence of that which is divine and sacred, and which holds you in a field of light.

This is a perfect place for you to let go of your worries, let go of your stress, and just be.

Where you can relax, and feel a sense of harmony and balance being restored deep within you.

It’s the kind of place you never really want to leave.

You can create this whenever you want or need. That’s the power of your heart-felt intention.

Music from #Uppbeat