An Energy Harmony session incorporates energy healing, acupressure, breathwork, and mindfulness to facilitate a clearing and alignment of the vital energies in your body.

A balanced flow of these energies is essential for optimum health and vitality.

This type of session is applied over clothing while lying down on a massage table, and is ideal for immersing yourself in a healing space to restore energetic harmony.

It helps you tap into the subconscious, and helps you connect into the deeper layers of your worries, stress & problems, without necessarily needing to analyse, rationalise or make sense of them.

In this kind of treatment, we are doing the work energetically, on a level beyond the superficial mind, and we hold a space that allows for healing without needing to make sense of what’s going on.

It’s not uncommon to have some kind of emotional release, or to feel an energetic shift that leads to emotional healing.

What may be incorporated in a session

  • Energy healing
  • Acupressure
  • Chakra balancing
  • Energy clearing
  • Focused breath work
  • Spiritual healing

Why choose Energy Harmony

  • To experience a deep level of calmness
  • You're not coping
  • You feel disconnected from yourself
  • To find relief from anxiety
  • To experience a deeply centred state
  • To quieten your mind
  • You're feeling emotional

If you’re feeling emotional, or just not coping, Energy Harmony can be a healing tonic that brings you the centering and calmness that you need.

Some clients have commented that they experience a profoundly deep meditative state that touches them to the core, in a way they have never been able to achieve during their own meditation time.

Energy Harmony can help you:

  • Facilitate energetic shifts that assist you into a better mindset
  • Feel a healthier connection to your body, emotions and spirit
  • Feel safe to let down barriers so you can receive some healing

Facilitating a higher sense of harmony

An Energy Harmony session utilises a form of energy testing, to help identify energetic imbalances, and applies energetic corrections for these imbalances.

Energy testing helps to pinpoint the areas you’re most in need of healing and balancing.

We’ll apply energy corrections for as many energy imbalances as we can in the allotted session time.

We may also look at some selfcare options which can be of assistance in a positive and enriching way.

The nature of this energetic treatment is that energy healing/balancing can help to transform energetic influences that may be having a negative or limiting impact on you.

These may be influencing the kind of experiences you’re attracting to yourself, the level of stress you feel, or your general state of mental and/or emotional wellness.

An Energy Harmony session invites a higher state of emotional, mental & spiritual wellbeing, through transforming energetic imbalances which may be negatively affecting you

The Benefits

  • Feel more in touch with your spirit
  • Experience subtle transformational changes inside yourself
  • Receive insight relating to energy imbalances you most need to know about
  • Experience greater mental clarity
  • Feel more uplifted
  • Experience a shift in your feelings or emotions
  • Connect with your own Divinity
  • Feel revitalised and more energised
  • Feel more centered
  • Experience a greater sense of harmony within yourself
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