Guided Healing Meditation

Let healing words & music guide you into a deep and meaningful connection, and a powerful sense of peace in your heart

Just relax, let yourself go, and enjoy

Get yourself comfy, put in your ear plugs, and spend the next few minutes immersing yourself in a beautiful healing space.

Just the audio, for when you want to close your eyes and fully immerse yourself in this guided process

Guided Healing Meditation (audio only)

If you enjoyed the intention prayer experience ...

Explore our "Healing Space" Intention Prayer audio collection


Inspiring spoken word intention audios with soothing, harmonious and uplifting backing music

These audios help to deepen your spiritual connection, feel more uplifted, and help you into a mindset that inspires inner strength, greater peace, and a feeling of support

Enter your name & email for FREE access to the full Healing Space audio collection

Enter your name & email for FREE access to the full Healing Space audio collection

Individual audios from the Guided Healing Meditation

For when you want to enjoy 'Blessings of Divine Grace' intention prayer on its own, outside of the guided healing meditation

How to use Intention Prayer audios

Blessings of Divine Grace

Just the intention prayer audio

Blessings of Divine Grace with preparation

Guided meditation to get you into a relaxed state, followed by the intention prayer audio

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