I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “When it rains it pours”.

As a family, we do our best when budgeting for bills and expenses, but recently we had a lot of unplanned surprises (ie it poured ).

You know, everyday stuff like needing to call a plumber for unblocking pipes, getting a flat tyre and then realising you need a complete new set of tyres, the fridge breaking down and needing to call a fridge techie to fix it – twice!

Just keeping up with the cost of living (which has now gone crazy) is hard enough. So when it pours with lots of surprise expenses, things can get quite stressful.


My girls were looking forward to our ritual annual family outing to our local Adelaide Show which comes round once a year – it’s something we enjoy doing as a family, and we all love the connection times it gives us.

But with our recent bout of surprise expenses, I wasn’t sure how we were going to make it happen. Dina and I let the girls know that going to the Show was maybe not going to happen this year, and they were fine with it. But deep down, we were all feeling disappointed.


A couple of days later, during my Zen time, I felt inspired to write, and out flowed a prayer about asking for assistance through hard times (which has now been recorded as the Healing Prayer Audio ‘Hold my Hand in Hard Times’).

The words for the prayer flowed effortlessly through my pen onto the page. It took no time at all to complete. (I really enjoy it when I’m able to tap into a zone of connection in this way – as I do when I write the words to all of the Healing Prayer Audios on our website).

Once I had finished, I then read back the words of the prayer out loud.

And something shifted inside me.

The tension from worrying about our expenses and whether we could go to the Show left me.

I was in a state of connection with God (The Universe), and I knew that if it was meaningful for us to go, somehow we’d find the money to go.

This also helped me to reconcile a conflict I was feeling inside.

Which was that I didn’t want to give the message to our girls that you should give up or sacrifice what’s important to you when it all gets too hard.

I wanted to teach them (through our actions) that if you want something from the purity of your heart, which is valuable to you, and you commit to it, you’ll find a way to make it happen.

So as I sat in my Zen space, having spoken the prayer, and feeling a connection in my heart with God, I felt the support, and I decided that we would find a way to go to the Show.

And that is what we did.

I can’t really say how – it’s not like a cheque magically appeared – but with some shuffling, we made it work. Somehow, the money was there for us to go.


This is one of my favourite prayer audios, because it really helps me to feel supported by God/Spirit.

And this is something we all need now and then (or maybe a bit more often).

Praying for assistance when you need it
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