How energy healing helped me when I needed it most

This is one of my personal experiences with receiving energy healing when I really needed it most.

It happened to me in a way that was completely unexpected, and it taught me something very valuable about the manner in which these things can work.

Feeling desperation in my time of need

In the lead up to Christmas last year, the amount of tasks, work, responsibilities, and social obligations I was attending to felt insurmountable, and I was really pushing myself to my limits.

December and Christmas is always a busy time of year, but in this particular time I was juggling more than usual, and I was really feeling the toll it was taking on my body.

For weeks, I had pushed myself way beyond my physical limits, having night after night of nowhere near enough sleep.

In truth, I had been getting by with little sleep for the past few years because of the demands and responsibilities of life in general. The long term impact on my body from burning the candle at both ends, and getting little sleep, was always in the back of my mind.

On this particular night, I went to bed utterly depleted and exhausted.

As I was laying on my side, I immediately noticed an intense depletion of energy from my lower back, in the vicinity of my kidneys and adrenals.

I had not ever felt a sensation like this before, and it troubled me. I was concerned about my adrenals and kidneys and how taxed they were feeling. This was much more than just a ‘feeling tired from your day’ kind of sensation.

Lying in bed now, all I wanted was to rest, but I was far from sleep due to the alarming sensations I was noticing and feeling in the internal area of my lower back.

I was starting to verge toward a state of panic, fearing that I had now finally pushed myself too far.

How I came to receive energy healing unexpectedly

Here I was lying in bed, feeling a rising sense of panic that I was maybe experiencing the effects of some kind of lasting damage from adrenal exhaustion.

I was observing the draining sensations from my lower back, and having no frame of reference in which I had experienced this before.

I felt scared for my body.

I was facing a realisation that maybe I had now pushed my body beyond its capacity to deal with the strain I was forcing it to endure.

In desperation, I silently called out to God. All I said in my mind was ‘God!’ – it just came out of me spontaneously.

But it came out in such a way, that implied ‘Help!’

What happened next must have been because of my state of need, and the forthright genuineness of my call.

Instantly after my call out to God, and I mean instantly, I felt a super strong stream of energy going into my lower back, specifically into the area of my kidneys and adrenals.

The energy felt warm and it was so soothing.

I felt like I was being filled up with energy.

The sensations felt sooo nourishing.

As I observed the strong sensations, I felt the energy ripple out to surrounding parts of my body.

It felt uncomfortably ticklish as the energy streamed into the surrounding body areas. Similar to having sensations of pins and needles when the blood flow is starting to return.

Despite the ticklish feeling, I could tell that the energy was having a nurturing effect on the surrounding areas of my body that it was flowing through.

I was lying there feeling such a blissful rejuvenation, and I was feeling so grateful!

God and the Universe responded to me in that instant, when I really needed it.

I just lay there on my side, and the energy just kept pouring into me.

You have no idea how grateful I was feeling in that moment.

I felt I was being held and supported in the arms of the Divine.

I must have fallen asleep soon after. I don’t remember being awake to notice the energy sensations stop.

The energies just kept replenishing me, and soothed me into a restful sleep.

Some reflections

I am so grateful to God and the Universe for the gift of Energy Healing I received that night.

The Universe responded to my call in need, and it made all the difference to my physical wellbeing.

In this experience, I didn’t explicitly call out with the words ‘help me’.

But my plea carried with it an underlying intent to reach out and find support.

I’ve developed a relationship with God and the Universe over the years where I have made it a habit to silently and regularly connect throughout my day, and to reach out to God for support in my times of need.

As it is second nature for me to lean on Spirit when I feel I need to, my silent plea of that one word ‘God’ – carried with it an automatic request for help.

I believe that is why the energy healing came when it did.

Building your own relationship with God and the Divine

Asking to receive energy healing for yourself, when done from a place of authenticity, and from your heart – in the spirit of asking for your highest healing with no other agenda – is something you can do for yourself whenever you need it.

When you build a relationship with God and the Universe, through regular inward connection, and through reaching out for support when you need it, it becomes second nature to receive energy healing directly from the Divine.

It doesn’t have to be for extreme reasons, like in my experience above.

You can ask for energy healing anytime, even if it’s just because you feel you could do with a bit of a lift.

Ultimately, energy healing is something you ask for when you feel you need it, in a spirit of gratitude, and from the purity of your heart.

How energy healing helped me when I needed it most
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