A supportive resource at your fingertips that can help relieve anxiety and fear

How many times have you been crippled by fear and anxiety from being faced with change or having choices to make?

What if there was intuitive guidance at your fingertips that could help you move through the fear and help relieve anxiety.

Choices and change – a big source of anxiety and fear

I had a recent experience in which I was faced with a big choice to make. The implications of this choice had me waking up each morning with intense feelings of anxiety and panic.

This choice revolved around my healing therapies work.

Up until this point, I was sharing a room in a local clinic that allowed me to comfortably service my clients after hours on a commission basis.

However without much notice, circumstances in this clinic changed, and I could no longer see clients from there.

It’s interesting that weeks before this happened, I was having subtle intuitive feelings which made me question if this local clinic was the best place for me. Energetically I was starting to feel a shift. I was not feeling quite so aligned with the space.

There’s a bit more to what happened during this time, which also involved what could be interpreted as a sign that I was not meant to be at this clinic any longer. But I don’t want to digress too much from the theme of this post, which is about having a resource to help deal with anxiety and fear.

Synchronicity – puzzle pieces falling into place

A couple of weeks before being made aware of the change in circumstance that the local clinic (which meant I could no longer operate from there), I was made aware of another clinic space where I could potentially do my healing work from.

My wife had gone to see someone for a reading, and she came back saying I should check out the clinic space where this psychic worked from. She thought it might be a good space for me to work from.

I did go take a look, and I loved it.

I set up a meeting with the owner, she showed me through, and she presented me with some options.

The energy of the place felt good, and I could see myself working from there.

In order for me to use a room though, I was going to need to commit to a much greater financial responsibility than I had done for a therapy space in a long time.

Feeling fear and panic when the stakes seem so high

The stakes seemed high for me because I had my family to support. My family and job obligations still needed to be met, and committing to a room in this new clinic would bring a much higher load financially, physically and emotionally.

I knew deep down this was a good move for me.

But I had so many fearful thoughts coming up.

What if I couldn’t get the flow of clients I needed to support the greater financial commitment?

What if I struggled with the extra physical load this was going to bring?

I worried about the implications of having less time to be with my wife and kids.

On and on, my list of things to be fearful and anxious about grew and grew.

I’d wake up early each morning in a state of panic.

After a few days of this, I sat down in the evening and turned to my Oracle cards.

Spiritual guidance at your fingertips

Over the years, my wife and I have slowly added to our collection of various styles of Oracle card decks.

Each deck has its own point of difference, and brings its own unique value.

For years I’ve used and developed a process with Oracle cards whenever I need some guidance for myself.

I use a method of tuning into and observing body sensations in response to a question.

This is a way of allowing my intuitive body wisdom to be the interface, for guidance to flow from the highest source of Infinite Intelligence, to my physical self.

Oracle guidance to help relieve anxiety and fear

On this particular evening, I invoked sacred space around myself, so that the guidance I was to receive was coming from a pure source.

As I sat in sacred space, I mentally asked the question …

Dear God, dear Divine Spirit, what is it I most need to know about this opportunity for a room in this new clinic?

Using an intuitive process, I responded to bodily sensed guidance to choose a deck from the many decks of Oracle cards on the coffee table, and then the card from this deck that was to contain the guidance in response to my question.

This is the card I was drawn to pick:

I then opened the booklet and used the same intuitive process to identify the parts of the message associated with this card that were relevant for me.

It was a prayer …

Archangel Michael, please lend me your courage and fortitude. Help me realise that I am one with all that is Divine wisdom, strength, creativity and abundance. Allow me to feel confident and peaceful about myself in all ways.


Receiving this oracle guidance boosted my spirits. It certainly supported me making a choice to move forward on this path of greater expansion, and making healing work a bigger part of my life than it currently was.

I reflect now, and realise that over the past decade, I have been told by at least 9 different clairvoyants or mediums, that I have a strong healing gift, with a powerful team of helpers around me.

Their communication to me reinforced how my strong natural state of empathy and compassion makes me very suited to being an instrument for healing work.

You would think that with all this reinforcement, I would have got the message by now.

But this is how fear and doubt can sabotage even the most noblest of intentions.

Here I was again at a crossroads, grappling with fear and doubt, and the anxiety it was producing.

A lack of belief, a lack of faith, a lack of confidence, fear and doubt – can all be so powerful to hold you back from walking your highest path.

Here I was again, being faced with them in my path.

How have these held you back in your life?

Are some of these holding you back in any way right now?


Another dose of oracle guidance to help relieve anxiety and fear

In my meditation the following day, I sat within the space of the prayer that the Oracle guidance had given me.

It was helping.

But that evening, I felt I needed to pick another card using the same intuitive process. I invoked sacred space, and posed my question to God/Divine Spirit:

Dear God, dear Divine Spirit, what do I most need to know to help me move forward in my new healing room?

I focused within and tuned into my body to intuitively select the card deck, the card, and then the relevant parts of the message from the booklet.

The card I was guided to select:

The message:

The only way forward is to face your fear.

Imagine a beautiful flame, warming your heart and soul. Feel the peace.


I was a bit stunned after receiving this bit of guidance. How much more plain did it have to be?

In order for me to move forward, I had to face my fear head on. 

I immediately closed my eyes and took some time to visualise the flame.

Through the warmth and light of the flame, I sensed the supportive presence of Divine Spirit, of God.

I felt the peace being broadcast to me through the flame.

In that space, in that moment, I knew I would be okay.

The fears were still there, but they weren’t paralysing me anymore. I could move forward despite them.

The next day in my meditation, I sat with the beautiful flame warming my heart and soul.

Intrinsically, I knew there was no other way. I made up my mind to make the commitment to the new room.

I sent an email to the clinic owner that night, stating my intentions.


Final thoughts

The events leading me to my new healing space took a few more twists after this story. What I wanted to mainly share here in this post was how I was able to turn to an effective and supportive spiritual resource to help me move through paralysing feelings of anxiety and fear.

Claudio from Sacred Healing Therapies

This process of drawing guidance from Oracle cards using intuitive body wisdom is something I often do with clients during an Energy Healing session.

It’s very rewarding and enriching to use Oracle cards in this way.

Many times I am quietly chuffed at the relevance of information that, often surprisingly, comes through in this way.

It’s often very useful for bringing relevant issues to the surface, and for helping bring into focus a mindset which can, amongst other things, help relieve anxiety and fear, and help you make a positive shift in your awareness.

A supportive resource at your fingertips that can help relieve anxiety and fear
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