Finding relief from anxiety with meditation
Anxiety is a debilitating state that affects many people.
Many experience a mild to medium form of anxiety as a result of the day to day challenges of life.
Money problems, family problems, relationship issues, and health problems are amongst the greatest source of anxiety for most people.
People who are dealing with the loss of a close loved one frequently experience an intense period of anxiety, as they adjust to life without their loved one.
Anxiety also comes as a result of feeling overwhelmed or helpless with the pressures and demands of daily life.
Consider for yourself the degree that you feel anxiety in your day to day life.
Some people experience anxiety with greater intensity, and have to deal with its crippling effects on their lives.
This intensity of anxiety can make you feel like you are in a constant grip of panic and fear.
It can make you feel isolated and alone.
It can make you feel like you are living a life within a prison of your own fear.
Whichever part of the anxiety spectrum you may find yourself in, it can feel like you are alone in experiencing your symptoms.
You may feel like it’s something that may never get better, and which just needs to be endured.
You may feel you need to suppress or dampen your feelings because they are just too much to bear.
You may feel the need to resort to anti-depressants or other addictions in order to get by and function with life.
How can meditation help with anxiety ?
Meditation can be a very useful self-care resource for helping you manage your anxiety.
Meditation can produce some much needed moments of relief from an anxious state of mind.
It can also help you come to terms with the feelings that anxiety can produce, and help you find a greater capacity for acceptance of these feelings
A genuine feeling of acceptance for yourself and your emotions can lead to profound changes within you. It can lead to transformation of your feelings.
The right meditation can assist you to disengage from your external pressures, and assist you to contact an inner space where you can experience moments of peace. It can help you to feel like you are not alone in your pain, and also may help you to feel that support is available to you.
Meditation can also help you to step outside of yourself, and see things in a different light. This can have a tremendous impact on the way you process and respond to daily problems and challenges.
If a meditative state is contacted often enough, it can help to program a new baseline state within you.
When you connect more often with an inner state of calmness and acceptance, it becomes a more familiar state to which you can resort to for supporting yourself through times when you are finding it hard to cope with the uncomfortable feelings that anxiety can produce.